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1546330Cookie-CheckRobot Cache, ein dezentraler digitaler Distributor ermöglicht den digitalen Weiterverkauf

Robot Cache, ein dezentraler digitaler Distributor ermöglicht den digitalen Weiterverkauf

A blockchain-powered, decentralized digital distribution service called Robot Cache has been announced. The new service will aim to disrupt the current structure of buying and selling games for PC.

According to Lee Jacobson, the CEO of Robot Cache, the idea is to give gamers more choice in the multi-billion dollar PC gaming industry, mentioning in the press release…

“Just a handful of companies dominate the multi-billion dollar digital download PC video games market. Robot Cache plans to revolutionize the industry by launching the first-ever workable decentralized video game marketplace that benefits both the creators of video games and gamers. All of this is accomplished by expertly leveraging the power, flexibility, safety, and transparency of blockchain technology,”

While blockchain is all the rave these days, Robot Cache is hoping to do more than just offer a different type of technological delivery service, they’re also concerned with changing the way distribution fees work.

Developers both big and small, along with publishers, will retain 95% of sales proceeds. For those not in the know, Valve takes a 30% cut from revenue streams for games moving through the Steam network. While some developers have grumbled at the high fees, the good part is that in the case of Steam those are fees only for the revenue intake, so you’re not losing much upfront, as opposed to physical distribution and retail sales.

Robot Cache will also have a resale option setup where 70% of resale proceeds can go back to the developers/publishers.

Brian Fargo, CEO of inXile Entertainment and founder of Robot Cache, explained that the resale option and lower distribution fees could enable developers to put more of the returns on their investment back into building new IPs and other projects…

“Allowing creators to keep 95% of new game sales, and 70% on game resales, provides developers, like us at inXile, with a strong financial stream. This gives us more resources to create new content and new IPs for fans,”

It’s a real gamble, though. I mean we still see Kickstarter projects racking in millions, selling millions, and the developers still not quite in the clear.

Nevertheless, offering gamers the ability to resale their goods and also take part in cryptocurrency token mining could be an incentive to draw some gamers away from GOG.com, Origin and Steam, and give Robot Cache a try.

You can learn more about the service by visiting the official Robot Cache website.

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